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King Suleiman said “people with vision will survive and people without vision will perish”. This is equally true for Nations and Corporations. Vision leads to mission and mission allows you to excel. In post-liberalization & post-WTO scenario, many Organizations with an annual turnover in the region of US$ 10 millions have reached a state of dilemma. They encounter fierce competition, narrowing profit margins, saturated manpower and obsolete business practices; and yet, zeal to grow, diversify and shift from traditional to contemporary management practices leading to the creation of modern business empires. We have special skills in setting up complete “Customer Driven Organizations”. KALLAR assists you in this endeavor by optimizing and bringing on fast track, the beginners & threshold business enterprises by: • Performance management and benchmarking • Putting right man at the right place • Right sizing • Advising on best practices • Evolving performance management system • Designing suitable Compensation structure • Conducting employee satisfaction surveys • Cost optimization